Inspirational Message about Tai Chi

Inspirational Message about Tai Chi

Tai Chi – Hang Gliding Inspirational Message By De Anna Beasley I remember years ago at a workshop, someone asked Master Sbarge how one masters Tai Chi. His first answer was one we’re all familiar with: don’t quit, but it was his second answer that...
Tai Chi Reflections

Tai Chi Reflections

We asked our students to share with us their thoughts on their experience with Tai Chi, meditation and martial arts. Students of various backgrounds and interests responded enthusiastically with essays, pictures and poems. We will share some of their responses with...
Tai Chi Quote of the Week

Tai Chi Quote of the Week

Send us your BEST quote regarding Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Martial Arts, etc. Be sure to include who said or wrote it. Place your quote in the body of the email, and include your name if you’d like to be recognized for the submission. Send to:
Tai Chi Photo of the Week

Tai Chi Photo of the Week

Caption: Sifu Wes Adams (foreground right) with his son, James Adams (foreground left) and students (background) at his birthday potluck social on October 6th. It is a tradition in traditional Chinese martial arts schools for students to honor their  Sifu’s...