This book review is reprinted from the World Tai Chi & Qigong Day newsletter published by Bill Douglas and Angela Wong-Douglas co-founders of

Tai Chi–The Perfect Exercise: Finding Health, Happiness, Balance, and Strength

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As a Tai Chi & Qigong teacher, I see tai chi book’s from another angle than I did when I was a budding student. I’m still a student, and will be my entire life, learning from every single teacher I meet, as well as from my students.
But, when I saw Arthur’s new book, “Tai Chi — The Perfect Exercise,” I saw a gem in it as a teacher. Arthur is not only a great tai chi student and teacher, but a great author, a powerful combination.
One part of his book that I have used over and over again in my classes is a part where he describes what “quality” ensures someone’s success as a Tai Chi student, not athletic prowess, or physical strength, or speed … but a sense of comfort with a “feeling of bewilderedness.”
Arthur said something that all teachers realize they had been thinking, but were unable to articulate it. Many students get in a panicked rush, trying to push the teacher to answer all their questions in 1 hour of class, or 2 hours, or 20 hours, but that is impossible.
What we know as teachers has “sunk into” our cells, by “experiencing sensations,” etc. It is not something you can hold in your mental head, let alone convey in words. We have to take our students on a journey they can never understand, until they walk down the path with us for months and years.
Thank you Arthur, for this profound book, every tai chi and qigong teacher should get it, as well as every student, which we all are.
— Bill Douglas, World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founder