Tai Chi Walking

Tai Chi Walking

Walking By Barbara (Bobbie) Purvis Here at Columbia Tai Chi Center we recently spent the better part of an hour walking pos¬tures from the Tai Chi form over the course of two days in the same week. It was interest¬ing in that I found that it was TOUGH to do it right,...
Why I Practice Tai Chi

Why I Practice Tai Chi

Why I Practice Tai Chi By Michael Asbury Note: Michael Asbury is a former student who moved out of state On my 31st birthday I visited my family doctor for my yearly check-up. During this visit we discussed my usual health issues. These issues included headaches,...
Tai Chi Wisdom Story

Tai Chi Wisdom Story

The Monkey and the River By Mark Nepo It is said that a great Zen teacher asked an initiate to sit by a stream until he heard all that the water had to teach. After days of bending his mind around the scene, a small monkey happened by, and in one seeming bound of joy,...
Building Potential with Tai Chi

Building Potential with Tai Chi

Building Potential By De Anna Beasley I recently took an opportunity to return home for the weekend to see my family and pick up a Tai Chi class or two. I was eager to be back in the classroom. Moving to a new city drastically depleted my financial resources and so...
Tai Chi Weapons: How to Make a Waxwood Staff

Tai Chi Weapons: How to Make a Waxwood Staff

Background Information At the appropriate point during the Mastery Program students at Columbia Tai Chi Center may elect to begin working with a weapon. The first weapon they learn is the “Staff” (also referred to as a “Bo” in Japan, “Gun” in China or “Bong” in...
Just Breathe

Just Breathe

I was walking back to my office after lunch today when I came across two students in the driveway of the science building. One was in her car in a near panic because she was late for a meeting with her advisor and she was completely and utterly lost. Her GPS directed...