Master Sbarge is coming to the Columbia Tai Chi Center May 3rd!

Master Sbarge is coming to the Columbia Tai Chi Center May 3rd!

My teacher, Master Eric Sbarge is coming here to our gwan to do his annual TAI CHI MASTERY Workshop on Saturday, May 3rd!  Just like our Annual Chinese New Years dinner is an important part of our tradition and so is the one event that you should not miss, Master Sbarge, your Sifu’s Sifu, coming down to teach his “grand-students” is the one workshop you should not miss!
For one thing, if you are serious about learning Tai Chi and about getting full mental and physical wellness possible from this art, you should be at this workshop.  Master Sbarge taught me everything I know and has twice my time and experience in the art.  He has been inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame and has studied under SEVERAL of the most well know and respected masters of our time.
And, it is just good Wu De to show respect to him and to support the gwan by attending.
This workshop is geared for EVERYONE, so both brand new and experienced students will benefit greatly from being there. Click here to learn more about the workshop!
I’ll be there, and I hope to see you there too!