The Impacts of Mind-Body Practice

The Impacts of Mind-Body Practice

Check out this cool infographic on how yoga impacts the body. Studies have also shown similar effects from Tai Chi. The take home message is that cultivating a mind-body practice is probably one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your life! Click...
Tai Chi Quote of the Week

Tai Chi Quote of the Week

Send us your BEST quote regarding Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Martial Arts, etc. Be sure to include who said or wrote it. Place your quote in the body of the email, and include your name if you’d like to be recognized for the submission. Send to:
Tai Chi Photo of the Week

Tai Chi Photo of the Week

Caption: Robert Beaver and students from the Peaceful Dragon in Charlotte, NC participate in a Lion Dance demonstration. Traditionally, lion dances are performed during the Chinese New Year for good luck and fortune. Chinese New Year begins February 4, 2014.
Benefits of Tai Chi

Benefits of Tai Chi

“I have lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats.” Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. I have often heard it said that cats are the ultimate Zen masters and being a cat owner, I have to agree with that sentiment. If you want a...