Why We Bow at a Traditional Tai Chi School

Why We Bow at a Traditional Tai Chi School

Why We Bow By De Anna Beasley One of the things I love about being part of a traditional martial arts gwan is learning about the history behind the things we do. Many students have asked questions regarding the significance of bowing in class. The practice is rather...
Tai Chi Quote of the Week

Tai Chi Quote of the Week

Send us your BEST quote regarding Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Martial Arts, etc. Be sure to include who said or wrote it. Place your quote in the body of the email, and include your name if you’d like to be recognized for the submission. Send to: CTCCgwan@yahoo.com...
Tai Chi Helps Fight Depression

Tai Chi Helps Fight Depression

With the colder weather and shorter days, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can become a serious issue for many people. It is estimated that 2-10% of Americans report symptoms of SAD with symptoms starting as early as late August and persisting until April. In...